Autonomous store design & development

Create the future of shopping

time lapse photography of vehicles
time lapse photography of vehicles

Revolutionizing retail with Autonomous Stores

Retail landscape is changing.
AI driven autonomous shopping technology is disrupting the industry.

While m
ultiple developers are working to provide the best-in-class software, most progressive retailers are racing to adopt the technology for their own and customer’s benefit.

While others are testing, we at Autail can shorten your learning curve by sharing our experience of Autonomous Store setup and management.

Autonomous store concept development

- Finding the right location

- Selecting autonomous technology provider;

- Designing the right layout;

- Store visual design

- Store operating process planning & alignment;

Autonomous store setup

- Hardware sourcing;

- Supervising store setup;

- Supervising store testing;

- Supervising store launch & operating process adjustments

time lapse photography of tunnel
time lapse photography of tunnel

Discover how our team of experts can help you to develop and implement cutting-edge autonomous stores.

We specialize in designing seamless store processes and provide comprehensive autonomous store setup services.

Why Choose Autail

We know retail.

Gain access to a team with extensive experience in store design, operation management and expansion.

We have designed and launched few of the first autonomous stores in Europe.

Reach out to transform your retail space into a state-of-the-art autonomous store that will attract and engage customers while optimizing operational efficiency.

Our expertise ensures that your autonomous store will be efficient, customer-centric, and future-proof.

Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign

Transform Retail with Autail

Contact Autail
